Well, if you live in the ABQ area or follow me on facebook you know how incredibly windy it has been lately. It was made any zoo/park outings next to impossible. Today was an exception! It was gorgeous and warm with just a light breeze.
After the gym Cami and I headed for the zoo. Usually we go with a big bunch and their are 7-8 toddlers all running around together. Our friends couldn't make it today (which was a little hard for Cami to understand). It was so fun to go just me and Cam we went to some exhibits that we typically skip and had a great time.
The alligator exhibit. Cami was terrified even just seeing these through the glass. She had me holding her the whole time...can't say that I blame her.
Polar Bears. Not sure if the picture is clear enough, but both bears were sunbathing on the rocks.
Elephants! There was a new baby elephant in the exhibit today. New since the last time we had been there at least.
Play area! The zoo has this giant play area and water fountain fun zone. (the water wasn't turned on...thankfully because I forgot to pack an extra set of clothes) Cami did great and was fearless. This is definitely not designed for a two year old. But she did great.....until the very end.
Down the Slide...WEEEEEEEE!
She climbed and Climbed and Climbed. Eventually she go frustrated that she couldn't find her way down (the tremendous amount of bigger kids in the play area didn't help either) the final straw was she sat down on her bottom to go down a level and the equipment was hot and she started crying. Mommy to the rescue! you should have seen how fast I made it up to the top of the climber.
After that we went to the grassy area and had a picnic lunch and headed to the car. She fell right to sleep on the way home! What a fun day for just the 2 of us!!