Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Lake of the Ozarks getaway part 2

A few more pictures from our many vacation to the Lake of the Ozarks

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Lake of the Ozarks...Part 1

A mid- Summer vacation.  Who knew there was such a thing?!?  There typically isn't if you are a golf business type family like we are.  But the stars and schedules aligned and there was a free weekend! WOW!  Matt took a day off and we were able to drive over to MO to visit a resort at Lake of the Ozarks.  Matt's folks came with us and oh my did we have a great time!

 We enjoyed the many pools on the resort.  They had slides, big pools and even little splash pads for RJ.

Matt and his dad were able to play a really great golf course and had a wonderful time.  The weather cooperated, it was sunny most of the time...but not too hot.

 Cami, Matt and I took a paddle boat ride.  PHEW...that was way more work than I expected.
 We also took a boat tour of the lake.  It was fun to see all the different luxury homes and different resorts, but I'd skip it next time.

We even made some time to visit the outlet mall!  There is Papa with his girls!

More pictures to come. When I can finally remember to get them off my camera!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Disney's the Little Mermaid broadway show

For my 30th birthday, My wonderful husband bought me season passes to Starlight Theater Broadway series.  It is this absolutely beautiful outdoor amphitheater.  It is such a fun place to go.  I have really enjoyed the experience of going to fun Broadway shows only 20 minutes from our house.  One show I have been looking forward to all summer was the Little Mermaid.  We decided that I would take Cami for her first live Theater experience.

I begged her to take a nap in the afternoon, knowing that the show didn't start until 8pm it was going to be a late night.  As I pulled into the parking lot this is what I saw.....

I let her sleep for 30-40 minutes to take the edge off.  Then we went inside to experience the under the sea festival that was going on prior to the show.  It was so fun.  Crafts, nail painting, treasure chest etc.  Cami had a ball.

 Here we are, loaded up with our snacks and ready for the show to start.  She was so excited.  Luckily it cooled off a little just before the show started.

Starlight staff took this and put it on their facebook page.
What a fun experience with my big girl!  Oh my we had a great time and it was extraordinarily well done.  Cami was thrilled.  It was later by the time we got home, in fact she fell asleep on the way home.   Thankful for sweet memories with my little girl who is growing too quickly!