Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mommy and Cami Zoo Trip

Well, if you live in the ABQ area or follow me on facebook you know how incredibly windy it has been lately. It was made any zoo/park outings next to impossible. Today was an exception! It was gorgeous and warm with just a light breeze.

After the gym Cami and I headed for the zoo. Usually we go with a big bunch and their are 7-8 toddlers all running around together. Our friends couldn't make it today (which was a little hard for Cami to understand). It was so fun to go just me and Cam we went to some exhibits that we typically skip and had a great time.

at the flamingos (flying mangos as Cami calls them)
The alligator exhibit. Cami was terrified even just seeing these through the glass. She had me holding her the whole time...can't say that I blame her.
Polar Bears. Not sure if the picture is clear enough, but both bears were sunbathing on the rocks.

The tiger who is usually sleeping was playing in the water and taking a bath. A treat to see him moving around!
Elephants! There was a new baby elephant in the exhibit today. New since the last time we had been there at least.
Play area! The zoo has this giant play area and water fountain fun zone. (the water wasn't turned on...thankfully because I forgot to pack an extra set of clothes) Cami did great and was fearless. This is definitely not designed for a two year old. But she did great.....until the very end.
Down the Slide...WEEEEEEEE!
She climbed and Climbed and Climbed. Eventually she go frustrated that she couldn't find her way down (the tremendous amount of bigger kids in the play area didn't help either) the final straw was she sat down on her bottom to go down a level and the equipment was hot and she started crying. Mommy to the rescue! you should have seen how fast I made it up to the top of the climber.

After that we went to the grassy area and had a picnic lunch and headed to the car. She fell right to sleep on the way home! What a fun day for just the 2 of us!!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Girls (Mommy's) Night Out

Last night a bunch of us girls left the kiddos with the Dads and went out to dinner! It was so fun!

As you can see my friends are completely gorgeous! Love them!

Vanessa, Me & Kaitlyn
Thanks girls for a fun and relaxing time!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

What a Difference a Year Makes

We don't get professional pictures taken of Cami very often, but so far I have managed to make it for her birthdays. Here is a comparison shot from her first birthday and her second birthday. Can't believe how much my baby is growing up!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Carnival at Intel with the Altman's

This past weekend so so fun, but REALLY busy. We had the 4 Ball Championship out at Santa Ana Golf Club. It is one of the biggest events of the year for Matt. Three long days of 13 + hours each day.

Cami and I went out 1-2 times per day to "help" Daddy and burn some energy running around. We were very blessed with gorgeous weather all weekend. Our friends (the Altman's ) even joined us for the players dinner on Friday night. They got a little taste of the craziness of the golf world during tournament season. Cute story: Cami and I were showing the Altman's around the golf course and clubhouse area, telling them all about the tournament and what Daddy does etc. We ran into one of the board members. I said "hi joe" Joe said hi to cami too. Instantly (without being prompted) Cami took Olivia's hand and said to Joe, "this my friend Livia ...her mommy Kait and daddy Matt" It was by far one of the cutest and sweetest moments. I was so proud of Cami for being such a polite and good little friend!

Sunday, the Altman's invited us to go with them to a family fun event at Intel (Matt Altman's work). It was so much fun and Cami is still talking about it!

They had characters, clowns, face painting, games, ice cream, popcorn, drinks and so much more
Cami, Olivia and Abby Poe hugging Eleanor .... one of the girl chipmunks
Cami with the clown. She asked for a pink woof woof balloon.
Getting her face painted by Princess Rapunzel. She wasn't sure about this at first. Such a classic Cami face. This was so fun for Cami because she loves Tangled the movie and was thrilled that Rapunzel was there!
looking at Rapunzel's magic hair
Posing to show of the finished artwork

Mommy and Cami
BFF's. These Girls Seriously Love Each Other.
Checking out the artwork in the mirror
enjoying their popcorn and drinks
with her pink woof woof balloon animal

We had soooooo much fun! Thanks to the Altman's for inviting us to share in this wonderful experience!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day

What an absolutely wonderful Day. Woke up to red roses, reeses candy (my absolute fav), a beautiful card and a gift certificate to Aveda for a hair cut and highlight!

We then went to brunch at the golf course that we got married at. It was delicious. We dressed nicely and alike to take some candid family pictures.

Later that night, Matt grilled steaks and we had cake and wine! It was a perfect day! My favorite mothers day by far!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Run for the Zoo

Today was the day. I set a goal at the beginning of the year that I wanted to run a 5k. I picked the run for the zoo. We are members of the biopark society and go to the zoo a lot, also I wanted it to be warm and the first weekend of May worked with Matt's schedule.

Well, warm it was not. When we start the race it was about 37 degrees with 10-20 mph winds with gusts up to 40mph. Not exactly ideal for this fair weather runner. Bundled up in three layers, I was one of hundreds running the 5k times race.

We ran into Marcos while we were there. He was doing a different race than me.
About to start.
The starting line. The line of people went down the street a long ways and all the way across. It was pretty crazy.
There is Samantha, Matt's intern at SCAGA.

The run is beginning. Trying to find enough space to run. Poor Matt had to suffer through the wind. He had a hard time finding a spot to take pictures of me without getting other people in the shots.There is Samantha finishing up.

There I am heading towards the finish line. Running with the wind in you face makes the last bit of the race pretty tough.
Finishing up.

I finished in 34:51. I am so pleased with that time, I run on treadmills most of the time so dealing with the elements was definitely a challenge. This was my first ever race of any kind. (also as an inexperienced runner....my shoe came untied and I had to stop and tie it about 1 1/2 miles in). I felt so accomplished by finishing and running the whole race!

Matt and I loved the experience so much that we are hoping to participate in the Run for the Zoo every year in some capacity....just hoping for better weather next year!