One of the things that Matt and I were dying to do when we went home to KS was to try out the new (ish) water park in the Kansas City area. Schlitterbahn! Well it didn't take much convincing to get the rest of the family on board. We went during the week, and on a day that had some rain and was overcast....which was brilliant! The park was not crowded at all and we pretty much walked onto most rides without waiting in line. There were 2 great toddler areas for the little kids and 4 super fun BIG water slides and a couple of other rides too! Needless to say a good time was had by all from 1 1/2 to almost 70...the place was a hit!
One of the great things about it is we were allowed to bring out own food. We brought 2 ice chests full of drinks, snacks and sandwich fixings. After 6 hours of water, fun and sun we were all beat...especially Cam who managed to make it through the whole day with no nap! About half way through the day I realized that I hadn't taken a single photo... oops. I tried to get a few to show what fun we had!

Look at these 2 good looking guys! Having Fun

Eric and Josh hanging out on the toddler area

Rick and Jill getting ready to do the roller coaster type ride... I think Jill has the better end of this deal!

Parker and Grandma getting ready to ride the rapid river

Cami, Papa and Daddy

Cami and Daddy getting off of the Wave River.

Josh wore himself out and ended up taking a good 2 hour nap on top of our picnic table

Josh and Auntie Jill
Joshie living the life of relaxation

End of our day at
Schlitterbahn. Phew were we all tired, but we all had so much fun!

Cheese! She loved the jeep cause she could pretty much do it on her own!

Cami driving the Jeep.
The second week Cami and I were there, Grandma decided that she would take us to the new Kansas Children's Discovery Center. Paige and Parker got to come along too! We had so much fun. It was very similar to the Phoenix Children's Mueseum that Matt, Cami and I had been to earlier this year. We had a great time!

Walking into the discovery center. We picked a great day to do something inside....cause it was HOT!!!

the little artist. Not sure how I feel about painting on windows???

Cami painting part 1.

Cami in the grocery /
restaurant play area

At the discovery center, they had a wood working area that was designed for bigger kids. Paige and Parker loved it. They had to use hand tools and could build things with scraps of wood and other trinkets. To go in this area they had to have Grandma with them.....Although I think Grandma ended up doing some of the work!

Parker and Grandma.

Cami worked in the mechanic shop....or as she called it the car doctor!

Paige showing off her artwork

Here is Parker painting

Cami and Paige playing Doctor. In one area of the discovery center they had a doctors office, grocery store, vet clinic and Mechanic shop all set up for dress up and theme play.

Here is Parker playing the grain area. He found a group of boys around his same age and they played and played in this spot. There were a series of elevators, pulleys and conveyor belts. They sure knew what they were doing.

Cami and grandma painting. This was Cami's second time painting that day....she loved it. She even helped the volunteers and her big cousin clean up afterwards.

Cami and Papa....Cami even got to steer a little this time

Taking a ride on the tractor with Papa. It is one of Cami's favorite things to do,
every time we see anything that resembles a tractor she talks about riding with Papa!

Cooking with Grandma

The day we were leaving. Had to get a picture of Cami next to her tree. Matt's parents have a wonderful tradition, they plant a tree when a grandchild is born. It is so special for Cami to take a picture next to her tree each time we visit. I will have to do a few comparison shots in a future blog. Notice Cami's fancy Nike outfit....thanks Grandma and Papa!