What we've been up to..... Well it has been a very busy couple of weeks for us at the Williams household. Matt's parents generously agreed to come down to NM to help us out. Matt and I needed to go to Farmington for a tournament and then on to LV, NV to represent the golf tourism alliance with a booth at the ADA national conference.
This meant two things, Grandma and Papa had Cami all to themselves for a whole week (a fact to which they were thrilled) and I had to leave my baby for the first time (aside from date night babysitters). The day came and I was a mess, leaving was definitely the hardest part for me, probably because Matt worked me to exhaustion and kept me extremely busy!
We drove from Albuquerque to Farmington helped run one day of the SCAGA Mid-Am, then drove towards Las Vegas. The drive was a whole story in and of itself....we'll just say it took us an hour and a half to get through Shiprock NM (because of a Navajo festival) and when we stopped for gas Matt saw a guy pull a knife on another guy for cutting in line at the pump. Needless to say to we were anxious to be on our way.

We drove into Vegas Sunday mid-day...one of the sights we saw from the car. Lake Mead, a little desert treasure. We only saw it from the road, but it was a far prettier sight than most of the dessert we had been driving through. Once we arrived in
Las Vegas we went straight to the Mandalay Bay (Host of the ADA conference) and set up our booth.

There is our booth pretty much set up, we ended up having to change a few things because of conference regulations etc. But overall this was pretty much the look. The booth we were assigned was in the back quadrant, not a great location but we had some real success. Being one of the only travel / golf booths at the entire convention helped.

Being nervous about leaving Cami, I put together a little present for her to open every day and Matt and I included a note. Most of the presents were very simple....dollar store treasures, but I wanted her to know that we were still thinking of her. Apparently it helped get out the
grouchies after
nap time. Here is Cami showing off one present, Grandma was great about taking pics and
texting them to me.

Here is another picture Grandma sent me, Papa and Cami enjoying morning cartoons.

Walking into the conference one day...who would be there but Elvis.
LOL, the things you see in Vegas.

End of day three, it was time to take down the booth. Overall it was very successful, we learned
a lot and got a bunch of great leads. It was nice to have some kid free time with my hubby. I know a certain set of grandparents and a little girl who enjoyed themselves
immensely. But man was I glad to be home and get a hug from my