For those of you who do not know, Matt's parents live in Kansas. So our visits with them are unfortunately few and far between. This last absence was the longest since Cam has been around 4 months! Way to long! So needless to say, we were all really looking forward to their arrival.
Unfortunately, Cami came under the weather that morning (my birthday mind you). After a really rough night sleep she had a fever and threw up twice that day. As fortune would have it, she had her two year check-up that morning. Needless to say she wasn't in the best of spirits when grandma and papa arrived. That didn't stop her from cuddling right up to Papa when we stopped for dinner.
The first couple of nights were a little rough as sleep was concerned because Cam was just not herself. But as the week wore on she felt better and better.
We went to the park Tuesday morning and had the whole Park to ourselves. Papa and Daddy went golfing in the afternoon and Grandma Cami and I played bubbles (thank you Piper) around the house.
Wednesday we went out to eat at outback for my birthday dinner! See the princess pictures below. After outback, Matt and I went to a movie and Grandma and Papa took Cami back home.
Thursday: Papa, Grandma, Cami and I went out and about to Trader Joes and kohls and then to lunch. Thursday night Papa and Grandma kept Cami so that Matt and I would go to life group. Not to mention watching the Master's a good portion of the afternoon! :)
Friday: Papa and Daddy played golf again. Cami, Grandma and I went to the mall and let Cam play on the inside playground (cause it was pretty windy) and had a caramel apple. That was a big hit!
Saturday: we ran around town a little in the morning and went out to lunch. The afternoon was spent hunkered down avoiding the wind and enjoying the Masters
Sunday: Church and Costco. Our normal routine!
The trip was much too quick! Hopefully July rolls around fast! We miss you guys already!

Cami is just getting very interested in princesses. She insisted on wearing this dress out to outback for dinner. With stick on earrings and all!

Cami and Grandma playing the flutes (ie...old tupperware straws)

Princess dancing ...spinning

Cami's sad / worried face. sitting in her new wildcat chair

Giddy Up Papa

Puzzles with Papa. Althoguh I think Cami enjoyed taking them apart more than putting them together.

Baking Cookies....measuring ....adding and of course tasting

Baking Cookies with Grandma. I'm not sure if the batter got more nuts and raisins or Cami's mouth. But it was a good time. I promptly cleaned the kitchen after. Not accusing anyone of being a messy cook though!

Morning time with Papa. She definitely is a papa's girl.