Friday, August 24, 2012

My Dad

Dene Pierce 
February 23, 1930
August 21, 2012

As many of you know, My dad passed away this week.  We are leaving today and heading for the funeral.  I thought I would post a little blog about my dad.  He has been suffering for a long time with cancer, now he is at peace and with no pain, which lessens the sting of him being gone.

I have always said, as I prepared for this moment, that I am so thankful that I had the time that I did with my dad.  Being that I came late in his life he was always "old" compared to my friends dads.  But to me that was okay, my dad was also much more involved in my life than my friends dads. There were times in my life that I wasn't sure he was going to see me graduate from high school, let alone college, a masters degree walk me down the aisle and see me have two babies.

 In my whole volleyball career he only missed 1 game.  I had to finally ask him to stop coming to practices when I was a sophomore in high school.  That was one thing we shared when I was young, our love for Athletics.  Later in my life we shared an interest in cooking and baking, but sports was always first.

Saying that I was close to my dad would be an understatement, especially as a young girl.  Because he was a realtor I was able to tag along with him and his schedule was flexible.  I can't even tell you the countless hours he spent watching me (and friends) swim in our pools.   I can't even begin to tell you all the lessons I learned or how many things he taught me, A LOT!

All I can say is how thankful I am that I had him for as long as I did.  Love you dad and I will think of you, be thankful for you and remember you everyday.

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